Executive Ministries
Assisting the Pastor with personnel issues and acts on his behalf during extended absences, it consists of the deacon chairman and vice chairman, the Chairman of Management and Budget, the Vice – Chairman of Management and Budget, Treasurer and one church member at large.
Pastor’s Council
Koinonia is a shared Ministry. The Pastor’s Council is a group consisting of Ministry Leader’s, Deacons, trustees and two church members at large. Prior to making final decisions concerning the church, our Pastor seeks the advice and counsel from the church leadership.
Deacons Ministry – Bruce Jones, Chairman
The mission of the Deacon Ministry is to give full support to the Pastor in his effort to lead The Koinonia Baptist Church into the 21st Century and assist him with all religious affairs of the church. This includes supporting the vision of the Pastor and providing service to the congregation. Deacons assist and preside over devotional services for traditional worship services, lead by example in all endeavors, be visible, helpful, and be an extension of the Koinonia church Family throughout the community.
Management and Budget Ministry – Beverly McLane, Chairman
The Management and Budget Ministry seeks spiritual guidance in supporting the missions of the church through the business decisions that effect the management of the church assets and property. The Management and Budget Ministry oversees the Budget Committee and Finance Committee.
The Management and Budget Ministry is charged with identifying the needs within the church and the property that requires renovation and upkeep. Based on approved expenditures made by the Budget Committee and executed by the Finance Committee and the minisry chairs, the Management and Budget Ministry will provide to the elected church officers recommendations and appropriate actions that will insure a safe, aesthetically pleasing environment designed to enhance the worship, fellowship, and activities of the church membership and the community it serves.
Trustee Ministry – Vera McGhee, Chairman
The Trustee Ministry holds in trust all church assets, including property. All facility operations are overseen by the Trustees.
Christian Education
The Christian Education department oversees all materials used in the teaching of the church. Additionally, this department is responsible for all Christian education programs/initiatives held in sponsorship of the church.
The Koinonia Missionary Baptist Church is also the satellite school of Aspen Christian College and Seminary in Denver, CO. The Aspen Christian College and Seminary has chartered Koinonia to provide accredited classes towards Bachelors and Master’s degrees.
Deaconess Ministry – Sis Marvis Elliott, President
The mission of the Deaconess Board is to win more souls for Christ by visiting the sick, preparing communion for designated worship services and for the sick, preparing candidates for baptism, and registering babies for dedication in faithful service to the Lord and the Koinonia Baptist Church.
Youth Ministry – Gabriel Burt
Our Youth Ministry is divided into two groups – children and teen. Our Young Christian Teens focus on religious training that will balance the secular influences encountered in public and private experiences. The development of manners and moral and self-respect are greatly emphasized. Additionally, to enhance their development, we expose our youth to various cultural events and experiences not only in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, but the world. We also prepare our youth in the area of public speaking, building confidence and self-esteem.
Our Children’s Ministry focus on providing love and teaching that will help your child be all that God wants him or her to be. Our vision for the Children’s Ministry is to establish in the hearts of them an active faith toward God and His Word.
We have specially designed classes for our youth during our mid-week services. Our staff and volunteers teach the simplicity of the Gospel by making God’s Word come alive to the children through dramas, story telling, and much more. To complete their worship experience the children join the congregation in the main sanctuary for Praise and Worship.
Moreover, our Youth Ministry is designed to offer youth, between the ages of 5-18 years old opportunities to learn skills focusing on increasing self confidence, academic performance, personal development, team building and peer communication. Utilizing cultural and recreational activities, athletics and information/referrals, we offer the kind of supportive services needed for this population. It is our policy to provide an equal opportunity to all people without regard to race, color, gender, religion, age, national origin or disability. Parent involvement is encouraged and expected in all activities.
Men’s Ministry – Ray Hawkins
The Men’s Ministry is to raise the consciousness of the men to immediate responsibility to God, family, church, and the community. The Men’s Ministry provides opportunities for:
- Fellowship for the men of the church.
- Encouragement for men to become active in the ministry of the church.
- Strive to be role models for the young men of the Koinonia church family.
- Win more men for Christ through evangelism, Christian education and social service delivery.
Mother’s Board Ministry
The Mothers Ministry provides guidance, counsel and advice to any member within the church.
Women of Grace
The Women’s Ministry vision is to see women set free to a life style of God’s grace. The Women of Koinonia are the “Women of Grace.” The Women’s Ministry provides a Christian fellowship for mature Christian women with emphasis on increasing spiritual growth. The Women’s Ministry focuses on a wide range of topics in each of the fellowship group meetings created especially for women. The members of this ministry are a unique blend of women that serve as role models and support systems for younger women within the church.
The mission of the Women’s Ministry focuses on hosting events and creating resources that nurture women spiritually, emotionally, and in their relationships with others. Time is set aside so that the accomplishments of women might be highlighted and that women may be applauded for their extraordinary accomplishments and contribution to society, family and church.
Missionaries are to be the presence of Christ in the world. Their mission is to evangelize, spreading the Gospel throughout the world. The Missionary Ministry accomplishes this through intercessory prayer, visitation, Scripture reading, food distribution, educational workshops, and donations -clothing, money, etc. Koinonia’s missionaries minister to the sick, shut-in, incarcerated, seniors, and individuals and communities locally and internationally who are in need.
Mission Empowered
The Mission Empowered Ministry provides sisterhood for young married women ages 21-35. They hold workshops to teach religious principles of marriage, parenting skills, and other subjects of interest.
Music Ministry – Lynetta Barnes, Minister of Music; Jason Ward, Director of Worship
The mission of the Music Ministry is to help bring souls to Christ by presenting a breadth of religious music that communicates God’s Word, His love, and His call to worship and meditate on Him; that prepares hearts and minds to receive His messages and to answer His call to stewardship and service. The music ministry also oversees the Praise Dance and Mime Ministries.
Logos Empowerment – Adonis Jones, Team Leader
The Bible is the sword of the Spirit, according to Ephesians 6:17. Knowing our Bible is a way of protecting our spirits. The Bible is also our source of strength, and Godly wisdom as we learn what God has to say to us. Logos Empowerment is an educational ministry focused on providing a weekly (Sunday) study of the Word of God for all ages.
The Logos Empowerment Ministry’s primary mission is to teach the Word of God so that people are lead to salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. They also expound on the Bible in ways that are relevant and meaningful to our daily lives. The Logos Empowerment Hour starts at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday Morning.
Worship Attendants Ministry – Vesta Bartie, President
You only get one time to make a first impression. The Worship Attendants Ministry is devoted to making all members and especially visitors of Koinonia feel welcome in the House of the Lord. They set the tone for what all who enter our doors will experience. The goal is to welcome you to our Father’s House. The mission of the Worship Attendants Ministry is to ensure that the spiritual experiences of all members and visitors are memorable, enjoyable, and spiritually rewarding in faithful service to winning more souls for Christ.
We are committed to making your contact with the church a pleasant one. In welcoming you into God’s house and assisting and directing you during worship, the worship attendants are ministering angels serving all who enter in.
Culinary Ministry – Amerline McGhee, President
The culinary ministry is responsible for all food serving at Koinonia. The ministry has accountability of the kitchen in the fellowship hall and the Activity Center. The Culinary Ministry provides food for all special occasions, upon request from other Koinonia ministries, whether a full dinner or just appetizers.
The Culinary Ministry also provides food for funerals, receptions and other church supported activities.
Healthcare Ministry – Sandra Bennett, President
The Healthcare Ministry is responsible for providing the church congregation at large with healthcare observations. This involves encouraging the congregation to more health conscious via announcements, brochures, various screenings, etc. Additionally, this ministry also oversees the Pastor’s needs (juices, water, medications, etc.).
Pastor’s Share & Care Committee – Marvis Elliott, Chairman
This committee works to support the needs of our pastor. The PSC committee encourages the congregation at large to share with the Pastor in his daily requirements as he works to seek the Lord’s will. This committee has a set aside day of the 3rd Sunday of each month when each member is encouraged to share with our Pastor and show him how much we care about him.